more about E; all the E, map for E, E major chord
More about E
We prolong E major scale to the whole fretboard (keeping the right interval, which is easy, using the numbers)
That gives us the map for tone E. Because the E is the 1. The sun. 🙂 ( you will learn to create it in next sections, no worries for now)
Here you can see all the 1s, all the tones E that are there:
Notice how the 1, in our case tone E appers on each of the strings!
We will learn in next sessions how chords are born out of scales, and how to customize them to different types, but while we are talking E, lets just check out, how E major chord is born from the scale.
E major chord
When I tried to understand music theory, I was making little stories in my head, and I will share it with you:
I imagined that tone lives in group of friends (thats the other notes in the scale, or numbers). The existence is the scale and I called that the life cycle. After finishing one cycle, starts another one. (on piano one can see it easily)
To create a chord, some friends need to connect. To create a major chord, those friends are 5 1 3.
There is the root ( 1 in the square) and then there are friends connected to it (nucleus of 5 1 3)
See picture bellow:
There is 5 shapes of chords, related to the strings and the scale they are coming from. Those are the C A G E D chords.